Sunday, November 25, 2012

Why a post-apocalyptic theme RPG

I just finished driving 22 hours straight from Florida to NJ with my girlfriend so if this post sounds a bit like rambling I will apologize in advance.

As a kid I played Dungeons and Dragons over the years, pen and paper style of course. In my early 20's we used to play every sunday afternoon. Don't get me wrong, I like fantasy just as much as the next guy... but there are only so many goblins and orcs someone can kill in their lifetime!

I always had a fetish for end of the world scenarios and sci-fiction, I love it. A mass disease that wipes out the human race, a nuclear war, the zombie apocalypse, love them all. I have zero interest in making yet another fantasy RPG about so and so magic user trying to find the kidnapped Princess in some dungeon somewhere.

Give me guns and bullets, they are fun to use, not crossbows and arrows. With a post-apoc RPG you can make it pretty gritty, read: not a "pg" family orientated game. I also think that if I make a deep story driven post-apoc RPG series I can create a niche market for myself. That remains to be seen but I want to be known as that post-apoc indie guy someday :)

Like I said my other passion is sci-fi. I can totally see cranking out some sci-fi rpg's taking place in a futuristic city with cool weapons and alien races. I think that would be received well since there aren't many turn based rpg's in a sci-fi setting out there. There could be all kinds of cool stuff I can do, evil corporations, a desert wasteland with some experiment gone wrong, alien races with various attributes. It would be pretty cool.

So in closing, no more magic spells and no more castles, let's fire off a few nukes and have some fun.

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